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7 Things To Do After A Hit-And-Run Accident

Nobody wants to start their day being involved in a car accident on the way to work. However, sometimes it happens. And sometimes, in addition to sideswiping your car, the other driver may not even stop so you can report the accident. In fact, more than one hit-and-run accident happens every minute in the United States, according to the…

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Pedestrian Accidents Involving Young Children

Pedestrians of all ages face numerous threats when they walk alongside the road or try to cross the street. However, some pedestrians are especially vulnerable, such as those who are very young. From toddlers to young children, there are a number of reasons why younger pedestrians may be especially likely to be involved in an accident. Not only do…

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How Can I Prepare My Teen For Driving?

According to Esurance, teen drivers have a 3 times higher risk of crashing when compared to adult motorists. As a result, most parents experience a bit of trepidation when their children receive their license for the first time. While you can’t always prevent an accident from occurring, there are steps you can take to ensure your child is driving…

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What Are Some Summer Driving Hazards To Avoid?

While summer doesn’t entail the same road hazards as winter, Minnesota motorists will still encounter quite a few risks. Knowing how to anticipate these risks, and ultimately avoid them, is the key to keeping you and other drivers safe. Travelers explains the steps you can take to stay safe on the road this summer. Many road projects are put…

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You Versus A Moose: What To Do If You Hit One

At the Trenti Law Firm, we represent numerous clients who received injuries in an auto accident. Consequently, we know that driving on Montana’s roads can be hazardous, especially in the winter, and most especially if a moose decides to cross the road right in front of you. InsuranceHotline.com advises that should a moose or another of our large wildlife…

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What Is Road Rage?

Many accidents in Minnesota happen because people get impatient or upset when behind the wheel. In some cases, these incidents are due to more than just an aggravated person. They are a result of road rage. How Stuff Works defines road rage as extremely aggressive behavior that results from driving. This is abnormal behavior. It is not normal to…

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How Can I Prevent Distracted Driving?

In a world where multi-tasking is praised, it’s easy for drivers to get distracted behind the wheel. However, it’s up to you to keep yourself and others safe while driving, which entails avoiding common distracted driving behaviors. Farmers offer the following tips to help reduce your risk of having a serious accident. Keep conversations to a minimum When driving…

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Brain Injury From Collision Kills Eagan Woman

Some people in Virginia might wonder to what degree people limit their options for legal recourse the longer they wait to seek action. In perfect world, evidence, cause and prognostications may immediately indicate the need to file a lawsuit, yet in reality that rarely is the case. While the perception may exist that today’s society is overly litigious, most…

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Speeding Is One Of The Most Dangerous Driving Behaviors

As a responsible driver, safety must be a top priority. This is why motorists are encouraged to maintain the posted speed limit, which is created to ensure the safety of all who share the road. Driving over the speed limit can lead to crashes and can also result in more severe injuries. The following information illustrates the havoc speeding…

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