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Impaired Driver Causes Fatal Crash

This time of year, Minnesota drivers may have even more reason to pay attention, including sudden changes in the weather and animals crossing the road. However, even the normal traffic conditions are reason enough to remain alert and drive sober. Unfortunately, not every driver heeds this warning, and the result is tragic auto accidents that continue to claim lives….

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Distracted Drivers Still Causing Fatal Auto Accidents

State and local jurisdictions nationwide spend millions of dollars in ad campaigns and public service announcements about the dangers of distracted driving. Lawmakers frequently approve increasingly stricter penalties for distracted driving. Nevertheless, motorists in Minnesota and across the country continue to believe they can multi-task behind the wheel. Thousands of distracted driving auto accidents occur each year in this…

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Head-On Auto Accidents Result In Devastation, Grief

Head-on collisions can result in catastrophic and even fatal injuries. The greater the speed of the vehicles involved, the lower the chances that the occupants of either vehicle will survive such auto accidents. When a driver encounters a wrong-way vehicle in his or her lane, there may not be time or space to avoid a collision. This was likely…

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Distracted Driving Still Causing Many Auto Accidents

Accident victims may feel their pain compounded when they learn that their accident was entirely preventable. Preventable auto accidents include those that occur because a driver is distracted by a cellphone. Minnesota lawmakers did their part by passing a law to ban the use of hand-held devices while driving. One year later, many drivers still have not gotten the…

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Summer Brings Its Own Risk For Auto Accidents

Now that the ice and snow of winter seem to have passed, Minnesota drivers may feel more confident hitting the road. Road conditions do greatly improve when the weather turns warmer, and many who would otherwise remain indoors during the unpredictable winter may venture out on a clear and sunny day. However, this may be just one of the…

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Auto Accidents May Cause Life-Changing Injuries

Traffic accidents can have many causes. Drivers who are distracted, impaired or simply impatient create dangerous situations on Minnesota roads every day. While the causes of auto accidents may be many, the results are often the same. Unsuspecting travelers suffer injuries through no fault of their own. Recently, a three-vehicle accident left two people with injuries. It happened when…

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Pedestrian Suffers Serious Injuries After Hit-And-Run

No matter how positive the health benefits, many pedestrians in Minnesota and across the country are aware that they are not always safe when they travel on foot. Drivers who are distracted, impaired, speeding or otherwise negligent create a deadly risk. Especially after dark, even common sense precautions may not be enough for a pedestrian to avoid serious injuries….

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AI May Be The Answer To Distracted Driving

Minnesota residents should know that distracted driving is on the rise. While this trend is mostly due to the increasing use of smartphones and dashboard touchscreens, the truth is that anything that takes a driver’s attention from the road is distracting. That includes talking with passengers, eating and changing radio stations. Distracted driving is behind nine crash-related deaths and…

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