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How Do I Get A Child Support Order?

When parents do not live together and raise a child together in Minnesota, the matter of child support often comes up. Under the law, the presumption is that both parents have an obligation to financially support their child. Typically, the parent who does not live with and provide daily care to the child pays child support. If you are…

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Preparing Your Winter Morning Drive Legally

Minnesota is home to some of the most unpredictable winter weather in the nation. Temperatures can drop 40 degrees in just a day, and a mostly sunny weekend could end with a snowstorm the next morning. As you ready your tools for whatever this year’s winter throws at you, keep in mind that safety is not your only concern….

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Division Of Real Estate Is Not Cut And Dried

In many cases, real estate is the biggest asset in a Minnesota divorce, whether it is the home you have been living in full-time, a vacation cabin or undeveloped land. While court forms only allow for one or the other spouse to have 100% of a piece of property, there are other legal options available. The experienced team at…

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Disagreement Over Who Should Be Responsible For Scooter Injuries

When people agree to participate in a recreational activity provided by a third-party in Minnesota, they are often required to sign an agreement that functions as a contract. This agreement usually provides both the company and the person participating a degree of protection. For the company, it is a protection of their assets and for participants, a protection of…

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