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Reclaiming Past Due Child Support

A parent who receives support payments from the child’s other parent typically relies on that money to provide the child with food, clothing, shelter and other necessities. When the other parent misses payments or stops paying altogether, it can create hardships for the child. Missed child support is a debt that even bankruptcy may not discharge, and custodial parents…

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5 Ways To Sabotage Shared Child Custody

If sharing custody with an ex is a new experience, it may be difficult to know the boundaries at first. Both parents may have emotions about dividing parenting time with a former partner. However, Minnesota family courts generally assume it is in the best interests of the child for parents to have balanced time with the child. In order…

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Does Your Parenting Plan Contain These 8 Items?

Following a breakup, Minnesota parents may want to get their children acclimated to their new reality as quickly as possible. This may involve establishing a predictable daily routine and creating a workable schedule for months or even a year in advance. Unfortunately, parenting plans made in haste may omit critical elements that can lead to frustration and tension for…

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Getting Your Fair Share In A Divorce

Uncertainty about the future is one factor that often causes stress for those who are preparing to divorce. Couples who have been together for years, sharing their assets and debts, may be especially concerned about how they will manage when the divorce is final and they are on their own. Financial struggle is common following a divorce, especially for…

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Co-Parenting Your Teen After Divorce

Being a parent is rewarding in so many different ways, but it also has plenty of challenges. From toddler tantrums to preteen drama, you have had no shortage of hurdles to clear. Things are different now, though. Not only is your child a teenager, but your divorce is making things even more complicated for both of you. You are…

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The Reasons For Divorce Are Countless

Many Minnesota couples learn quickly that it takes more than good looks and happy feelings to make a marriage last. For some, that means buckling down and getting to the hard work of learning to accept and even appreciate each other’s differences and bond over commonalities. Just as every marriage is different, so is every divorce. Nevertheless, there are…

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What’s Happening To Marriage And Divorce In Minnesota?

According to the United States Census Bureau, marriage and divorce rates are in a bit of a flux throughout the nation — although there are regional variances. A look back over the ten-year period between 2008 and 2018 reveals the following statistics: National marriage rates have fallen somewhat significantly. In 2008, roughly 17.9 women out of every thousand who…

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How To Design A Good Co-Parenting Schedule

One of the most important aspects of a good parenting plan is the co-parenting schedule. With a growing number of Minnesota families sharing custody, an alternating-weeks schedule can seem like an easy way to ensure that each parent has equal parenting time. However, it’s not always in the best interests of the children or their parents. There are other…

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United States Annual Divorce Rates Are Flawed

In 2016, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) determined, based on the number of divorces the previous year and total United States population, that 3.2 divorces occurred per every 100,000 people. This number is a reasonable estimation but isn’t exactly correct. Why? The data provided by the CDC is calculated by numbers provided from 44 states and…

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Strategies To Help Co-Parents Successfully Raise Their Children

No matter how long a person has been married, going through a divorce can be a difficult process. It is especially difficult to deal with when children are involved. Minnesota co-parents may be interested in learning a few strategies to help make the co-parenting process easier. Problems that led to the divorce can make communication between co-parents difficult. While…

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