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Important Steps To Protect Finances During Divorce

Ending a marriage is far from just another legal process. The emotional side of divorce can easily distract you from some of the more important decisions that you will soon be facing, particularly when it comes to money. Protecting your finances during divorce is essential regardless of what emotions you might be struggling with. This is because decisions that…

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Warnings Can Protect Patients From Dangerous Medications

Millions of people experience improvement in their quality of life through the use of prescription drugs. Advances in research have resulted in medications that treat chronic conditions, minimize symptoms and control pain for those who are suffering. However, in some cases, the use dangerous medications leaves patients in far worse condition. It is critical that patients read the instructions…

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Distracted Driving Still Causing Many Auto Accidents

Accident victims may feel their pain compounded when they learn that their accident was entirely preventable. Preventable auto accidents include those that occur because a driver is distracted by a cellphone. Minnesota lawmakers did their part by passing a law to ban the use of hand-held devices while driving. One year later, many drivers still have not gotten the…

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