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How Can I Talk To My Kids About Divorce?

If you’re facing a divorce in Minnesota, talking to your kids about the matter can be one of the most difficult aspects. Communicating to your children effectively will lessen the emotional impact while also reassuring them in their time of need. HealthyChildren.org offers the following tips on how to break the news to your kids. Emphasize safety & security…

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Wrongful Death: When To Act Quickly

At Trenti Law Firm, we know that there are few things that place more of an emotional burden on our clients than dealing with the untimely death of a loved one. We believe that, by placing the onus for financial support on the parties whose negligence caused our clients’ dismay, we are sometimes able to lessen the suffering of…

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Punishments For A Hit And Run

When two drivers are involved in a car accident, they must follow Minnesota’s state traffic laws right after the crash. However, the driver that hit the other car crash might try and escape before the other driver can get a better look at their license plate or vehicle type in an attempt to avoid the legal and financial ramifications…

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