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Slick Roads, Fallen Leaves And Traffic Crashes

On the roadway, numerous hazards may be present, especially during certain times of the year. For example, many parts of the country see poorer weather conditions in the fall and winter, which can increase the likelihood of a crash in many ways. In the fall, roads may become very slick due to heavy or persistent rainfall. Moreover, leaves may…

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October Driving Hazards To Watch Out For

With September coming to a close, fall has come into full-swing in Minnesota. Though autumn does not typically have high motor vehicle accident and fatality rates as the summer or winter, the season still has numerous road obstacles that could put local drivers in serious danger. October is the month where motorists will begin to experience these seasonal changes…

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Punishments For A Hit And Run

When two drivers are involved in a car accident, they must follow Minnesota’s state traffic laws right after the crash. However, the driver that hit the other car crash might try and escape before the other driver can get a better look at their license plate or vehicle type in an attempt to avoid the legal and financial ramifications…

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